Monday, June 8, 2015

Monday- I'm starting over.

So here I am again. I keep making promises to you guys, and to myself, but I never keep them. That all changes now. I'm back y'all!

Lately I've been having so much trouble getting back on track. I've been eating fast food like no one's business, and the food that I have had in the apartment hasn't been the best. I've been binge eating a lot lately. I notice when I have things that crop up I'm not prepared to deal with, I turn to food. Food is my drug.

But this weekend I think things clicked a bit more. I've been having a hard time finding the motivation to get back on track. You would think my joints hurting & feeling like crap all the time would have been enough right? Apparently not. But this weekend I did a family photoshoot. Photography is my first love. I love it even more than food, and that's saying a lot. To get some of the shots I had to get down on the ground. Well, for a fat person getting down isn't so bad... It's getting back up that is the problem. That was a wakeup call. Not only that, the summer I was down 80 lbs, I didn't mind the heat. Actually, I began to really like it. Well, since I've put 40 lbs back on, the heat is not my friend. Add that in with the plantar fasciitis I've been dealing with, along with the photos of a thinner me on my Timehop.. and that did it. I can't keep doing this to myself. I know I am more than capable of taking control of my health again.

Yesterday I did my grocery shopping. I now have all good food in the apartment. I have my meals planned for the next two weeks. Tonight after work I'm taking a walk with Michelle before the Hawks game. I also ended up joining a gym. So tomorrow after work, that's where I'll be. One of my co-workers has really been helpful with keeping me in check when I ask him to be. So tomorrow, he will be checking to make sure I brought my gym back and everything. I know if I don't go straight from work, I won't go. So that is the plan. I can do this. I can get back on track.

So how have you all been doing? What is your plan for this week?

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